Get started (Icarus Realm)
Topic: Get started
To get started, join the server at After joining in the lobby, type /register <password> <re-enter password>. Like that, you will register your account at AethraCraft. After this is done, type /server survival. Once you are in survival, there are 4 commands which you will run.
1. Newcomer kit (/kit newcomer) That kit will give you basic items and a 3-Hour keep inventory voucher. Use that voucher to keep your inventory on death for 3 hours. You can basically throw away the rest. 2. Rankup to Stranger (/rankup) After ranking up from Newcomer to Stranger, you will receive some basic permissions. As 1 sethome & 1 playervault. That will be important later. 3. Kit stranger (/kit stranger) After ranking up to the Stranger rank, you will also receive permissions to the stranger kit. This kit contains improved tools & good armor. Equip all of that armor and the tools. It will be useful to get strated and have a good beginning. 4. Random teleport (/rtp) Once you have your starter gear squared away, teleport somewhere randomly and start your journey here!
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